Hello, friend, and welcome to Koselig Kove! Thank you for sharing this space of time. Two questions arise to begin our journey: What is “ethos” and what is this “koselig” thing? According to the Oxford dictionary, ethos is a noun defined as the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations. Ethos is also often mentioned in conjunction with logos and pathos when used to build persuasive messaging based on ethics, logic, and emotion. For my purpose, I want to keep it simple: the ethos of koselig is to create an environment of happiness, coziness, and comfort that lays a foundation for positive experiences and beautiful memories.
As to the Oxford definition of koselig – there isn’t one. We can get as far as koselig being an adjective, and the word itself derives from the Norwegian kos, which Norwegians use in nearly endless ways to describe appreciation for the simple joys of life, for warmth, for happiness, for peace, for time with good friends, good books, a good cup of coffee, and time spent outdoors. Koselig translates better with feelings than words. Think back to a time and setting when everything around you was “just right” and you felt no worries, no hurries, no fears, and no need to work on the to-do list. I imagine a labrador retriever next to the fireplace in mid-winter, surrounded by the family looking at photos from last summer’s vacation. A happy family and a content pooch gathered in a warm, comfortable setting - that is koselig.
You may be familiar with the growing popularity of the Danish concept “hygge”, which has parallels with koselig. While the Danes and Norse share much in common, from language to culture to DNA to the tendency toward happiness, there is one striking difference between hygge and koselig, and that comes down to time spent in solitude (this is more hygge) and time spent with friends and family (this is more koselig). Here at Koselig Kove, it’s ALL about friends and family! While it is possible, I suppose, for one person to enjoy a solo journey to this peaceful gem at the north end of Rt 12, I believe the true purpose of Koselig Kove is to bring friends and family together in an atmosphere that promotes peace, happiness, togetherness, and warmth.
I could go on and on but feel it’s best for you to research koselig on your own. Go on a quest, my friend, and find what you can find. I promise it will be worth your time.